Medicare, Medi-Cal, and Private Insurance
Hospice care if a fully covered benefit under Medicare Part A and Medi-Cal program. With most private insurances will provide coverage for hospice care by are subject to the patient’s policy deductibles and out of pocket limitations. When you are considering hospice acre, your insurance coverage will be reviewed and discussed to be sure you understand the financial benefits or costs. Any questions will be resolved prior to the start of care.
Regardless of your insurance coverage your hospice benefit will cover our visits, medical supplies, medications related to your terminal condition, and durable medical equipment. When you elect the hospice benefit for a specific disease diagnosis, you have opt out of the traditional Medicare coverage which means you agree to pursue comfort and palliative measures only and which means you will not see aggressive or curative therapy for your disease process. If you are seeking curative treatment for a diagnosis that is not related to the terminal condition you can do so and it will be covered under your Medicare program.
The following services will be covered by your insurances while on care:
- Physician visits
- Nursing visits
- Certified Home Health aide visits
- Medical Social Worker visits
- Spiritual Care visits
- Bereavement counseling
- Dietary counseling
- Volunteer visits
- Physical, occupational, and speech therapy if needed
- Medications related to your terminal condition
- Medical supplies
- Durable medical equipment
- Short term General In Patient level of Care focused on symptom relief
- Respite Level of Care for the primary caregiver
- Short term Continuous Care focused on symptom relief
The following services will NOT be covered by your insurances while on care:
- Treatment for the terminal illness that is not for palliative symptom management
- Care provided by a home health
- Care provided by another hospice agency
- Private caregiver or sitter services
- Dietary supplements unless this is noted to be part of your terminal condition
- Ambulance transportation without Skirball Hospice approval or arrangements
- Supplies not related to your terminal condition
- Chemotherapy medications or other medications deemed aggressive in nature
- Medications deemed not related to your terminal condition
- Diagnostic studies or any treatment not authorized by Skirball Hospice
- Services not authorized by Skirball Hospice such as 911 calls to the emergency room or admission to the hospital