Skirball Hospice relies on the warmth, compassion, and dedication of its volunteers, who come from all backgrounds and specialties. With just an hour a week, you can enrich your life and make a difference for patients and their families in numerous ways:
Patient and Family Services
Be an integral part of the care team through regular patient visits. Activities may include sharing music, conversation, reading, letter writing, helping patients engage in their hobbies, assisting with life review, and facilitating pet therapy visits.
Administrative and Office Services
Assist the office staff with clerical work, mailings, and data entry related to our patients’ care. Experienced volunteers assist the volunteer coordinator with training and recruitment activities.
Vigil Program
Provide a respectful, quiet presence for the patient and loved ones during the patient’s last day and hours of life. This program helps ensure that no patients are alone during their final moments if they don’t wish to be and represents the unique care and attention Skirball Hospice provides.
Specialty Categories
Skirball Hospice is always looking for unique and specialized volunteers. Such areas of interest include massage therapists, pet therapy volunteers, musicians, stylists, artists, healing arts practitioners, and bilingual volunteers. All are welcome.