Counseling Support
Skirball Hospice offers you and your family compassionate assistance from our very first contact. Our team is available to meet with you to discuss hospice services for in order for you to make an informed decision, address your immediate needs, and expedite care.
Supportive counseling is an integral part to our hospice program. Our families receive ongoing counseling throughout the patient’s length of stay. We strive to ensure the patients comfort and peace of mind, minimizing your stress and service as a vital resource for your family members.
Bereavement Support
At Skirball Hospice our bereavement staff are trained and experienced in this area of counseling, grief and loss. They are here to walk with you and your family down this path of grief, the counseling and support is part of our hospice program.
Our bereavement support includes ongoing planned contact with the family through visits, calls, letters, our annual memorial service, and referrals to any of our community resources if requested by the bereaved family. All participates in the bereavement program receive a comprehensive series of mailings on a monthly basis to help reflect on their loss and assist with the grief journey. Our support continues for up to thirteen (13) months post death which would cover the cycle of holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries which can help family members maintain or regain their prior level of well-being.