If you are interested in helping to provide a higher quality of life for Skirball Hospice patients and their families, we welcome your application and thank you for sharing your time and talents. Please fill out the form below, and someone from our Volunteer Program will contact you.

    Contact Information


    Total number of hours per week you could be available for hospice volunteering:

    Age Range:

    Personal Information:

    Have you had experience with the terminally ill?

    Has someone close to you died within the past year?

    Do you have available transportation for your volunteer work?

    Do you have a valid California driver’s license?

    Do you have automobile liability insurance?

    (Auto insurance is required if you use your car
    for hospice work.)

    Have you been convicted of a felony within the last 7 years?

    (Conviction will not necessarily disqualify you from volunteering.)

    Areas of Interest:

    (Please check areas of interest)